Babble Stones

A Babble Stone left on the ground for us by the Mother of Bones

Babble Stones are small, pumice-like stones given to Camp Half-Blood Austin by the Mother of Bones. The difference between these stones and any other stone lies in the way these stones have mouths on them that look like parted lips, ready to say something. When held, the stones whisper a message to the beholder, and through this process, we have learned many hints necessary for our Quests. Sometimes the hints will be about the location of a lost object, or even where our enemies’ hideouts may be located; however, only children and Olympians can hear the whispers from the stone. At CHBA, this means that only CITs and the Olympians currently at Camp can hear the messages, similar to how they can only see the Mother of Bones as well.

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward