
The Minotaur chases demigods down a trail during Quest

Just like the Minotaur from the Greek Myths, the Minotaur that frequents Camp Half-Blood Austin is just as angry. Known to burst into Quests and thrash our counselors around, the Minotaur is a towering figure of immense strength and full of fury. Half man and half bull, this beast could probably even take down our mighty Master Thomas, Son of Ares, who is our reigning Camp Wrestling Champion. 

One of our counselors gets kidnapped by The Minotaur

Whenever we encounter the Minotaur, it is not rare to find our furry foe covered in armor and ready to attack. It has been utilized by our enemies as a very destructive distraction. If you encounter this towering terror, it’s best that you run before you get pummeled, or use the time to brush up on your Minoan bull-leaping skills.


Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward