The League of Machines and Monsters

Cates charges our demigods. Camp Half-Blood Austin

The League of Machines and Monsters, also known as The League for short, is an organization of demigods that work for no one but themselves. The League is largely compiled of children of Hephaestus who build machines of war and weapons for whoever pays them the most. Their stated goal is to throw down the Olympian gods. They plan on doing this by creating a power they can rely on, for the betterment of all demigods. Their hatred of their godly parentage is legendary. The known leaders of the League were Cates and Taylin, who have since stepped down to work at Camp Half-blood Austin as instructors.

The League was known to invent machines that could break through the Camp Half-Blood Austin’s magical borders—but not by ripping through the fabric of the border, by sneaking in. The League would steal the pieces of Godly Animus from demigods and put them into automatons and monsters in order to invade the camp’s border. These demigods would lose their ability to see through The Mist and could not return inside camp’s borders. Without their animus, they were mortal.

Since they work for whoever pays them the most, The League uses the pursuit of power and wealth and the illusion of control to entice demigods to join their ranks.

Taylin and Cates. League of Machines and Monsters. Camp Half-Blood Austin

As of 2018 we thought the League disbanded as it’s only remaining members came to work for us.

However, on the night of the Winter Solstice of 2020, Cates received notice that some of the surveillance cameras set at the League surplus bunkers were acting up. He left shortly after for reconnaissance, but we have yet to hear his report.

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward