Lady Hestia

In years past Lady Hestia was our lovely patron Goddess of the Camp Half-Blood Austin Dining Hall. You could catch her in the Dining Hall during your time at Camp Half-Blood Austin, always ready to lend a helping hand or carry on a conversation. 

The Goddess of the Hearth was always quick to remind you to wash your hands, drink your water, and ensure that you got a snack to maintain your demigod spirit out at CHBA. In the Dining Hall, she would typically be seen slicing away at apples or prepping Godly level dishes for our counselors and instructors. With one step inside the Dining Hall, you can still feel her warm and comforting presence—it is her Olympian job after all!

Occasionally, when CHBA is under extreme fire, she would come out of the Dining Hall to aid us in the fight against our attackers. One time, in particular, she hit a Werewolf over the head with a rolled-up newspaper, and it whimpered away!

Should you find yourself in the presence of Lady Hestia, make sure to always use your manners! It’s not every day you stand in the presence of a Goddess. And if you want my advice, ask Lady Hestia for extra pickle juice, during our hot summers. I have found that it enhances my demigod abilities!

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward