Panayotis is a Rogue Priest of Dionysus who we first encountered in the Summer of 2020. He wears a bright red fez, a long scarf, a loose-fitting shirt, bright yellow gloves, and puffy pants. Another glamorous part of his appearance is his skin that shimmers a glimmery gold in the sunlight. He is known to enjoy “hydrating with wine” and relaxing in the shade on a nice picnic bench. Despite his lack of a concept of time passing and his relaxed demeanor, Panayotis claims that he is “good at organizing” and that his filing system cannot be beaten. This filing system includes many misspelled handwritten notes in his pockets, many of which end up being grocery lists written on the wrong piece of paper or riddles. Every time we think we may have gotten rid of Panayotis, he pops up more charismatic than before, and I have no doubt we will be seeing him again.
Submitted by: The Archivist,Indiana Ward