
Bailey, Child of Apollo, fought a bad case of Mummyrot in the Summer of 2021

When a mummy makes contact with human skin, the process of Mummyrot begins. Mummyrot is an infectious disease (magical in nature) that gives mummies the grimy and splotchy look they’re known for. This disease creeps onto the skin in grey/green and black splotches, slowly overcoming the body. When the victim is completely covered in the splotches, there is no return. The result is terminal. In some cases you will slowly become one of the undead, shambling around until an Egyptian death-mage can gain control of you or a Hollower can send your spirit (Ba/Ka) back to where it belongs.

Cures for mummyrot are extremely rare and are typically revealed by the gods on very special occasions. For example, when Nell, Daughter of Nemesis was taken over by mummyrot, Lord Hades gave us the information for a temporary cure.

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward