Plastic Bag

The Plastic Bag demands that the Olympian Contract be handed over

While this article may come as a surprise, the following facts are true: a plastic bag did come down and attack the camp. Camp Half-Blood Austin was once held by an Olympian Contract to play Katy Perry’s “Firework” whenever we had any sort of victory. However, in the Summer of 2019, we faced never-ending victory, leading the song to be played around twenty times in one day. To pass the time, campers would sing different lyrics, including replacing every phrase with “plastic bag.” However, this displeased a particular plastic bag, a black garbage bag with arms, legs, and a head. The Plastic Bag was done with us. It ripped up the previous Olympian Contract, and suggested that now when victory comes, we play “High Hopes” by Panic! At the Disco.

Photo by: RJ Arwen

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward