The Mother of Dolls

The Mother of Dolls protects her babydolls on the trail as demigods approach

The Mother of Dolls, also known as the Doll Master, is known to roam near the Creepy Doll Nursery, a place of their own design. The Mother of Dolls dons a long black flowy robe that trails behind them, complete with an opaque black hood that covers most of their face. Beneath the hood is a face with milky white eyes and red skin, slowly being stained black by heavy tears. 

Not much is known about The Mother of Dolls, as they do not speak, whether it be by choice or necessity. What little we do know about them is that they are the owner of the Creepy Doll Nursery, and fill the role of a “protector” for the haunted baby dolls that live inside of it.

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward