The Daughters of Mystery

The Daughters of Mystery are notably described by Topher as “Scouts Gone Wrong.” This troop wears leather armor over drab, dark green uniforms, decorated with patches that depict all sorts of horrendous things. Many people do not know where they originated from or who they work for, but their main goal seems to be to complete their demerit patches. These patches include but are not limited to: polluting, beheading, tooth pulling, necromancy, arson, various forms of torture, disembowelment, so on and so forth. The Daughters of Mystery always form in ranks, with a girl named First being their lead officer. From there, each one has their own individual rank, as we have also known the one named Fifth to be friendly with us. The Daughters of Mystery are armed with daggers and swords, and typically wear veils to cover the bottom half of their face. Trying to reason with these scouts will lead to little good. They hold little value in keeping the peace. 

It used to be thought that First led The Daughters of Mystery; however, it became clear that First answers to someone higher up. The Mother of Mystery is in charge of all of the regional troops in the area. We discovered that First can eventually advance to “Mother” by earning all the required badges and then sacrificing the young women under her command. Adding to the awfulness is the understanding that First must be willing and able to destroy the Mother above her in order to take her place. Opportunities for advancement don’t look good here.

Submitted by: The Archivist, Indiana Ward